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Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Transport Allowance in respect of employees performing field duties

Transport Allowance: The existing rules are as follows;
 1)  If the absence of an employee, from duty, due to Leave /Training /Tour etc , more  than one month, the transport  allowance will not be admissible for calendar months(s) wholly covered by, absence .

2)  If the absence of an employee, from duty, due to Leave /Training /Tour etc , Covers , part of calendar  any month, it will  be admissible for the full month.

There  are  employees who  remain  on  long  tour  duties / field duties on  survey sites  as  in  the  Audit  Department, Ground Water, Survey of India, GSI etc a prolonged field season of  more than 4-12 months. Since the CCA, which was earlier admissible to them, has been subsumed in the Transport Allowance, they are not getting any Transport Allowance while on  tour  for more  than  a  month, during which the field season lasts and they  are, therefore, losing even that  part  of  Transport  Allowance which  represents CCA. The  Staff side therefore  demanded that the  condition that  Transport Allowance   is  not permissible to those who are absent for more than a month, be dispensed with.

The present rule says if the are present even  for a day  in head quarters they get Transport allowance for whole month. The persons who are residing in same campus less than a km distance are provided with Transport allowance others who are performing field duties in the interest of Govt.  work leaving the family life  are not given Transport allowance

The 4th meeting of the National Anomaly Committee was held on  17th July, 2012. the Government has  considered to look to the demand of Transport Allowance for field staff and it is understood that the  Since the CCA, which was earlier admissible to them, has been subsumed in the Transport Allowance that portion of Transport Allowance will be admissible to them even after one month of stay in field. The minutes of the meeting will be available after one or two months then we will know the exact stand of the Government, Any away we thank the staff side of JCM to take up this matter. we hope the matter will be resolved to logical conclusion.   


  1. Kindly provide the Trasport allowance to all field going staff their family was (almost) staying at the Head quarter. Other wise when the field staff attend the HQ for duty as per instruction by DIC/UIC's he will elgible the transport allowance , but same time always given the transport alowance to given only the DIC/UIC the UIC is become only DCM,ADCM and other somebody how they will elgible for every month the Transport Allowance.

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