ToAll General SecretariesAICGWBEA
Comrade,A number of transfer cases are being recommended by the BEC for the cancellation. The CEC is receiving a request letter which is only a formal letter and it doesn’t contain facts and figures why this transfer order should be cancelled.
In view of this In this connection it is brought to your notice that while recommending the cancellation of the transfer orders The following guidelines are to be followed so that CEC can take the genuine cases. The persons visiting the CHQ for cancellation of transfer orders should be discouraged. These information should also be useful to us while talking to the authorities. Hence, while forwarding the application following points should be highlighted.
1) In the body of the original representation in variably should be endorsed to the Secretary General through General Secretary of the BEC
2) The justification should be given why this transfer order should be canceled, what is the impact on the official work, no of posts sanctioned, no of post filled, vacancy position in that cadre.
3) Field stay of the individual in no of years he/she has worked outside the home State and no of transfers.
4) How this transfer is violating the transfer norms5) Any other useful justification6) Whether any request is pending.
All General Secretaries are requested to ensure the above guidelines are adhered that CEC can take up cases.
Comradely yours
(P.S.Prasad)Org. Secretary
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