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Friday, 29 July 2011



The Prime Minister of India,
New Delhi
Sub: Request for Scrapping of PFRDA Bill

We submit this petition to bring to your kind notice certain aspects of the re-introduced PFRDA Bill which will have an extremely adverse impact on the pension and retirement benefits of the Government employees. We may also state in this connection that the contributory pension scheme will be a drain on the exchequer.
The guiding principle adopted in determining the pay package of civil servants is to spread out the wage compensation over a long period of time because of which the wages during the work tenure is low to enable pension payment on retirement. This makes the pension a ”deferred wage”, which the Supreme Court has upheld as such in their landmark judgment in the case of D.S. Nakara Vs. Union of India. As the bill does not provide implicit or explicit assurance of a minimum pension except marked based guarantee, the civil servant even after contributing huge sums to pension fund may end up with no annuity if the invested company become bankrupt or the equity market crashes. Moreover the annuity which would be the pension under the new scheme being not cost indexed will make it difficult for the pensions to make the both ends meet.
The Committee set up by the 6th CPC has concluded that the new contributory pension scheme will increase the outflow from the exchequer from Rs. 14,284 Crores to Rs. 57088 Crores by 2038. The Committee has also observed that the pension liability of the Government which was 0.5% of the GDP in 2004-05 under the defined benefit scheme is likely to decline if the same is not replaced by the contributory pension scheme as envisaged in the PFRDA bill. The Committee has ultimately recommended that the existing “Pay as you go” pension which is presently in vogue will be ideal and may be continued.
Since the new scheme is neither in the interest of the country as it increases the outflow on account of pension liability nor to the Civil Servants for it does not guarantee a minimum pension, we appeal to you kindly cause withdrawal of the PFRDA Bill from the Parliament immediately.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Thursday, 28 July 2011


All General Secretaries/Chairman’s

                    I thank you all for electing the new CEC unanimously and I  thank you for electing me as Organizing Secretary, I would assure you all that I will try my level best to ensure most of your problems are solved,  Comrades I have been as Association leader in various posts from past 22 yrs.  I know your problems and I want your kind co-operation from your side to solve the problems. With Co-operation from senior leaders like Com. N.Somaiahji and others leaders we will solve your problems.

There are three types of issues/problems of employees

a)     The issues, which should be taken up in National Council, I assure as a dual role in as Organizing Secretary of AICGWBEA and General Secretary of COC Karnataka I will take up this issues also as I am in close liaison with Confederation leaders.

b)     The Issues which is pertaining to Department will be taken up in either Departmental Council or Office Council by the Secretary General.

c)     The other local issues should be taken up by BEC in the Regional Council 
      which is set up in each Regional Office, If any assistance is required , I
       will help you to form the Regional Council or issues pertaining to
       Regional Councils

           Comrades, The new CEC is trying to bridge the gap between the BEC leadership and CEC leadership, We have established a new web site http://aicgwbea.blogspot.com/ so that the information reaches you at faster rate and the messages are sent to your mobile number, We have observed that through a software that which BEC is watching the web site at what time and date, Generally I have found that almost all BEC’s are watching AICGWBEA web site , This is a good sign,  if any BEC has not started watching webs site please do at the earliest. The materials which are in the webs site are quite educative and enriches your knowledge so that you can talk to your H.O.O in better way. For example special casual leave can be availed up to 40 days.   So please read the Govt. orders which is published on web site.             

    The CEC has also opened an email account so that we can directly correspond with us on the email account is aicgwbea@gamil.com, Please try to send it in English. As many computers cannot recognize other languages,  We cannot read nor understand the text of your letter. by sending emails you can save money on letters posting and it saves time.

 The BEC especially the General Secretary and Chairman has also got its following duties &  responsibility’s, The Association work is God’s work please always bear it in mind, You have been elected with lot of hopes from your supporters, I wish you that  their aspirations are fulfilled.   

a)      To respond to employees problems.
b)      To  communicate with CEC and local COC
c)      Attend local COC meetings to gain more knowledge.
d)      To conduct General Body meetings at least once in three months.
e)      Have constant touch with employees and visit sites frequently
f)       Educate the employees either through web site or take print out and circulate the important circulars.
g)      Follow CEC instructions time to time

     I am trying to serve you at my level best, I have sent an SMS that what is the status of Regional Councils in your place, I have got reply from only a few BEC’s , I Kindly request you to send the details of RC meetings held so far such as number of RC meetings held and last RC meeting date. Your co-operation is also vital for the new CEC, Please respond to the directives of the CEC.  The matter should not be once sided. You can also contact Com Vishal Mudgal our young Assistant Organizing Secretary.

    Please be free to email to me or talk to me, I am always with you, Let us build the AICGWBEA with your support, looking forward for more co-operation from your side.

                                                                                                Comradely yours
                                                                                                                  Organizing Secretary 

Mobile Number: 09480066620


Monday, 25 July 2011

Departmental Exams of CGWB

The departmental exams for the post of UDC  is scheduled on 27/28 of  Sept 2011 and and Assistant  is scheduled on  29/30 of  Sept 2011.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Joint convention on PFRDA

A Joint convention of unions consisting Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers, All India State Government Employees Federation, All India Defence Employees Federation, BSNL Employees Union, School Teachers Federation of India, All India Federation of University and College Teachers Organizations and Organizations of Railways Workers was held at MPCU Shah Auditorium, Shri Delhi Gujarati Samaj., Raj Niwas Marg, Civil Lines, New Delhi on 22.07.2011. The convention was presided over by a joint presidium of Coms. S.K. Vyas(Confederation)R.G. Karnik (AISGEF), P.R.Memon (Railways), V.A.N. Namboodri (BSNL) Ashok Kumar Burman(AIFUCTO) and Sardar Singh (Defence). In the beginning Com. Sukomal Sen (AISGEF) put written detailed draft declaration to be adopted at National Convention and elaborately discussed all the issues which will adversely affect the interests of workers and employees after enactment of the PFRDA Bill by the parliament. If once authority is formed it will also interfere in the existing pension scheme. com. Basudev Acharya M.P., CPI(M)  Parliamentary Party leader in Lok Sabha elaborated discussed about PFRDA Bill and told as to how the Left MPs resisted and prevented the move of UPA-I Government  who wanted to introduce this Bill.But after withdrawal of support from the Government on nuclear bill issue , the Government accelerated the speed of neoliberal economic policies. After coming back in power the congress lead UPA-2 Government has introduced the PFRDA Bill again in Lok Sabha with the help of main opposition party B.J.P. When a Vote of division was demanded by us. Com. Tapan Sen General Secretary CITU stated the new pension scheme is totally Fraud as the assurance given by the Government will never be fulfilled.Other main speakers on the subject were Coms. Ashok Kumar Burman S/G, AIFUCTO, Shiv Gopal Mishra S/G AIRF, Muthusundram G/S AISGEF, D. Biswas (BEA), Shyam Sunder (Pensioners Federation), Sardar Singh (AIDEF), P.Abhimanyu(BSNL), Elangobin (DREU), Rajenderan (School Teachers Association),Com. M.K.Pandhe , Senior Veteran Leader CITU, Com Krishnan  also expressed his views on PFRDA Bill and appealed to all to launch extensive campaign to mobilize  and unite the entire working class to oppose and defeat the bill Com S.L.Sagu vice President , Com Vishal Mudgal Assistant Organsing Secretary and others attended on behalf of AICGWBEA.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Compassionate appointment


Please Click here for Govt orders

Government servants who are union office bearers and delegates of the Central

Government employees unions/associations may be granted special casual leave to attend

the activities of Unions/Associations.

(a) An office bearer of a recognized service association/union of Central Government

employees may be granted special casual leave up to a maximum of 20 days in a calendar

year, for participation in the activities of Associations/Unions.

(b) Outstation/delegate members of executive Committee of recognized All India

Association/Federation may be granted special casual leave up to 10 days in a calendar

year to attend its meetings and

(c) Similarly the local delegates/local members of executive committees of all recognized

Associations/unions Federations may be granted special casual leave up to 5 days in a

calendar year for attending meetings of such Associations/Unions/Federations.

(MHA OM No. 27/3/69-Estt(B), dated 8.4.69 & Deptt. of Personnel OM No. 8/13/72-JCA, dated

4th September, 1972)


Monday, 18 July 2011

Training programmee for 2011-2012* at CGWB RGI Raipur

 pl click here for details http://www.cgwb.gov.in/training.html

Additional List of Hospitals

Fresh empanelment of Diagnostic Laboratories and Imaging Centres under CGHS Bengaluru, Hyderabad Ahmadabad Kolkatta &  Pune etc

Click here for additional Hospitals -I

Fresh empanelment of Diagnostic Laboratories and Imaging Centres under CGHS Bengaluru, Chennai and Mumbai

Click here for additional Hospitals-II

Sunday, 17 July 2011

CEC Meeting postponed

The Central Executive Committee  Meeting of AICGWBEA  is scheduled to be held on 23rd July 2011 at CHQ Faridabad has been postponed to 3rd August 2011,  All  CEC elected members are requested to attend the CEC meeting.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Casual Labours reg

 Please go through a important Government orders issued by DOPT on Casual Labours, There may be many casual labours working in your office that a casual labours who has put in at least 240 days of service as casual labours  (including broken period of service), (206 days in offices observing 5 days’ a week), for a period of two years   This orders will be useful to them.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

CEC Meeting

The Central Executive Committee  Meeting of AICGWBEA  is scheduled to be held on 23rd July 2011 at CHQ Faridabad,  All  CEC members are requested to attend the CEC meeting, The National Convention  on PFRDA Bill will be held M.P.C.U Shah Auditorium,
Shree Delhi Gujarati Samaj,
No.2, Raj Niwas Marg,
Civil lines, Ring Road,
New Delhi-54(next to Civil lines Metro Station- Yellow line)
on 22nd July 2011, All CEC Members are requested to attend both meetings .

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Transport Allowance clariifcation

In this respect The clarification has been issued by CGWB CHQ Faridabad  vide letter No 28-04/Tr.All/2008-G.C.4978 dated 01st July 2011.

The Clarifiaction is as under

"1) If the absence of an employee, from duty, due to Leave /Training /Tour etc , more  than one month, the transport  allownance will not be admissible for calendar months(s) whollly covered by, absence .

2)  If the absence of an employee, from duty, due to Leave /Training /Tour etc , Covers , part of calendar  any month, it will  be admissible for the full month.

The Government Orders Issued in 2008 in respect of Transport Allowance is provided for reference, please go through it   Please click here for orders

Please click here for 1998 orders

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Minutes of the Third Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee held on 15" February, 2011.

  Confederation has taken up following items in Anomaly committee  
Pl see I t ems  N o  12 & 13:  Transpor t  Allowance, 
item No 20:  Daily Allowance on Tour, ltem No 41:
Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying the same Grade Pay.
Drivers Pay scale.
Minutes  of   the  Third  Meeting  of   the  National  Anomaly  Committee held on  15"  February, 2011.
Pl Click here for Minutes.



Friday, 8 July 2011

DA Merger reg.

The 50% DA was merged for all purpose in 2004,The similar situation has arisen. now that the DA has crossed 50% , The Confederation has placed similar demand now.Item No. 13. Merge DA with pay for all purposes including pension as and when the DA rates crosses the 50% mark.Now we have to get similar orders  the orders issued in 2004 are reproduced now for your information. . The expected DA as on 1.7.2011 is 58%

F.No. 105/1/2004-IC
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi, dated the 1st March, 2004


Subject: Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief with basic pay/pension to Central Government employees/pensioners w.e.f. 01/04/2004.

The Fifth CPC in para 105.11 of their report had recommended that DA should be converted into Dearness Pay each time the CPI increase by 50% over the base index used by the Pay Commission.

2. This recommendation of Fifth CPC has been considered and the President is pleased to decide that, with effect from 01/04/2004, DA equal to 50% of the existing basic pay shall be merged with the basic pay and shown distinctly as Dearness Pay (DP) which would be counted for purposes like payment of allowances, transfer grant, retirement benefits, contribution to GPF, Licence fee, monthly contribution to CGHS, various advances, etc. The entitlements of LTC, TA/DA while on tour and transfer and government accommodation shall, however , continue to be governed on the basis of the basic pay alone without taking into account Dearness Pay. In case of existing pensioners, Dearness Relief equal to 50% of the present pension will, w.e.f. 01/04/2004, be merged with pension and shown distinctly as Dearness Pension. Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief converted into Dearness Pay/Dearness Pension respectively would be deducted from the existing rate of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief.

3. To ensure that pensioners retiring between 01.04.2004 to 31.01.2005 do not face any loss in fixation of pension, as a special dispensation in their case, DA equal to 50% of the basic pay would be treated as basic pay for purposes of computation of pension in respect of basic pay received by them prior to 01.04.2004. Consequently, element of dearness pension will exist only for pensioners retired/retiring from Government of India up to 31.03.2004.

4. Insofar as the persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.

Joint Secretary to Government of India

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Revision of consultation / visiting / injection fee of Authorized Medical Attendants (AMAs)

F.No.B.12012/03/2010-CGHS (P)
Government of India,
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 6th June, 2011.
Subject: –  Revision of consultation / visiting / injection fee of Authorized Medical Attendants (AMAs) under CS (MA) Rules, 1944.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s O.M. No.S.14025/10/2001-MS, dated 31-12-2002 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the issue of further revision of consultation / visiting / injection fees of different categories of Medical Officers (Authorized Medical Attendants) appointed for the treatment of Central Government employees and their dependent family members covered under CS (MA) Rules, 1944 of various Ministry / Departments / States / Union Territories has been under consideration of this Ministry for sometime. It has now been decided to revise the same as indicated below :-

Medical Postgraduate /
In Rs.
Consultation Fees
First Consultation
Subsequent Consultation
Injection Fees
Intramuscular / Subcutaneous
Medical Licentiates and
Medical Graduates (MBBS or equivalent)
Consultation Fees
First Consultation
Subsequent Consultation
Injection Fees
Intramuscular / Subcutaneous

These orders will supersede the earlier orders issued on the subject from the date of issue.

3. It is also clarified that now there are no separate charges for day and night consultation, as these were prevailing earlier.

4. This order will be effective from the date of issue.

5. This issues with the concurrence of IFD vide Dy. No. C-2699, dated 3-3-2011

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

14 Charter of Demands of Confederation

1.Stop price rise and strengthen the PDS.
Item No. 2 and 3, Stop outsourcing, contractorisation,
Item No.4.Revise wages of CGEs with effect from 1.1.2011 and every
five years thereafter

Item No,. 5. Stop the New Pensions cheme and extend the statutory
defined benefit pension to all CGEs ireespective of the dae of

Item No. 6. Regularise the Daily rated workers, GDS, remove ceiling on
compassionate appointments end discrimination in the grant of bonus to
GDS employees.

Item No.7. Remove restriction imposed on compassionate appointment and
the discrimination on such appointements between the Railway workers
and the other sections of CGES.

Item No.8 Stop the move to introduce the productivity linked wage
system; perfiormance related pay; introduce the PLB to all departments
; remove the ceiling of emoluments for bonus computation.

Item No.9.
Settle all anomalies including the MACP related ones raised in the
Departmental and National Anomaly Committees and ensure the
functioning of JCM in all departments.

Item No.10 Make the right to sgtrike legal

Item No. 11 Implement all arbitration awards.

Item No. 12. Revise the rate of interest of GPF. Revise the OTA and
night duty allowances and stitching charges

Item No. 13. Merge DA with pay for all purposes including pension as
and when the DA rates crosses the 50% mark.

Item No. 14.Vacate All Trade Union victimisation.

Pl  Click here  for detailed explanation

Rates of Night Duty Allowance w.e.f. 1-1-2011 to Railway Employees

Sunday, 3 July 2011


click here for details of Postal strike
PL SEE http://nfpe.blogspot.com/ FOR DETAILS

Income tax Filling

No.402/92/2006-MC(14 of 2011)
Government of India / Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes


New Delhi, dated the 23rd June, 2011


The Central Board of Direct Taxes has notified the scheme exempting salaried taxpayers

with total income up to Rs.5 lakh from filing income tax return for assessment year 2011

-12, which will he due on July 31,2011.

Individuals having total income up to Rs.5,00,000 for FY 2010-11, after allowable

deductions, consisting of salary from a single employer and interest income from deposits

in a saving bank account up to Rs.10,000 are not required to file their income tax

return. Such individuals must report their Permanent Account Number (PAN) and the entire

income from bank interest to their employer, pay the entire tax by way of deduction of

tax at source, and obtain a certificate of tax deduction in Form No.16.

Persons receiving salary from more than one employer, having income from sources other

than salary and interest income from a savings bank account, or having refund claims

shall not be covered under the scheme.

The scheme shall also not be applicable in cases wherein notices are issued for filing

the income tax return under section 142(1) or section 148 or section 153A or section 153C

of the Income Tax Act 1961.

CGHS rates 2011 clarification

Pl click here for orders
For rates clarification and List of new

hospitals empanelled under CGHS

Confederation meeting at Chennai

Meeting of the Secretariat of the Confederation to be held at Chennai on 30th July, 2011. The meeting will begin at 11-30 A.M. The exact venue of the meeting will be communicated by the Tamilnadu State Committee. The meeting will deliberate upon the following agenda:
(a) Review of the campaign programme if any undertaken to popularize the charter of demands.
(b) To finalise the date for the next phase of programme of action.
(c) The implication of deems taken at the Joint Covention on PFRDA Bill at Delhi on 22-7-2011.
(d) Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.

Meeting of the women's committee of the Confederation of CG employees and workers to be held at Chennai on 30th July 2011. The meeting will begin at 3-00 P.M. The following agenda will be subjected to discussion.
(a) Follow-up action required to be taken to implement the decisions taken at the National Conventions at Kolkata.
Steps to improve the participation of women comrades in the programme of action.
(b) Finalisation of date of State level conventions and formation of sub-committees for each state.
(c)  steps to improve women s participation