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Tuesday, 8 July 2014


(Recognized by Government OF India)

            The 3rd meeting of Central Executive Committee of All India Central Ground Water Board Employees Association was held at Bhujal Bhawan, Faridabad on 5thJune, 2014.  The meeting was presided over by Com. R. N. Choudhary, President.  The following CEC members were present in the meeting:-

Name of Office Bearers
Post held
Com. R.N. Choudhary
Com. R.K. Pandey
Vice President
Com. N. Prem Kumar
Vice President
Com. K.S. Madhusudhan
Secretary General
Com. Sadasiv Acharya
Assistant Secretary General
Com. A. Balasundaram
Assistant Secretary General
Com. M. Rajan
Organising Secretary
Com. P.C. Sukla
Assistant Organising Secretary
Com. Gautam Parmar
Assistant Organising Secretary
Com. Meghanath Verma
Assistant Organising Secretary
Com. Nityanand
Chief Auditor
Com. Shashi Ranjan Kumar
Finance Secretary

            Com. R.N. Choudhary, President, welcomed all the CEC Office Bearers present in the meeting.  He also focused at the present situation of the Board particularly the defunctness of the Engineering Wing and callousness of the Chairman (Head of the Department) and Director (Administration).  He also delivered in his speech to strengthen the Association and suggested that all the leaders to follow the guidelines to make it more effective.  He also pointed out that sometime, some of our members are overstepping their responsibilities and violating the discipline in the association.  He advised all the leaders/ bonafide members of the association to be more thorough about the role of association and utmost care should be taken to vitalize this forum.  All possible efforts should be taken to establish peace, discipline and more result oriented in coming days. Then he directed Secretary General to proceed the meeting as per Agenda Items.

            Com. K.S. Madhusudhan, Secretary General welcomed everybody and thanked all the Office Bearers as they made available themselves in the meeting in spite of short time notice given for the meeting.   He also expressed his special thanks to BEC, CHQ, Faridabad for extending their cooperation in all CEC activities.  He also expressed that this 3rdCEC meeting was supposed to be held at Nagpur during April, 2014 and, the reason for postponement to June and being conducted at CHQ, Faridabad.  During  his speech, it was also stated that 50% of Court Case fee already been paid to Com. Moolchand Tewatia, Foreman  from CEC fund and direction given to the GS, BEC, Div.II, Ambala to make possible effort for arranging 50% payment  from BEC fund to the individual. Then the meeting proceeded as per agenda.


(I).       Violation of Approved Transfer Norms --
            Secretary General stated that Chairman & Director (Admn) of CGWB have become adamant and violating the approved transfer norms existing in the Board .  He also narrated that Director (Admn) is expressing his inability regarding transfer & posting cases.  It is also repeatedly stated by Director (Admn) that  Association  has no power to make any correspondence  with the authority regarding transfer & posting cases  and he has no power  to consider any of these cases and taking clue to take up these issues with  the Chairman, if so.    In this regard, CEC requested him to issue a letter to Association which is pending till date resulting employees are not getting their transfers on own request/public interest despite of vacancy & norms.  And it is also observed that administration issuing unlawful transfer orders which creates financial hardship, harassment & mental agony.  It is also seen that guidelines for economy measures is not kept in mind while issuing such orders unnecessarily causing financial loss to the Government. He also quoted some examples such as DCM/ADCM/UDC/OS & SK/Foreman cases how the administration is keeping silence and asiding  without considering the staff grievances.  In this regard correspondences were made and reminders also given, but no fruitful result.   Therefore, it is established that employees are not getting transfers on request and at the same time the forcible transfers are taking place which is violation of Transfer Norms. Regarding transfer of  Com. Dinesh Kumar Shaunak, Assistant Foreman, Div.V, Ranchi, Com. Bhatnaik, Draughtsman, Com.P.S.Bhasme, TOD, Com. G.B. Mendhe, DCM , CGWB, from Hyderabad to Nagpur, Com. R. R. K. Sinha, Asstt.  & others reminder will be submitted to the  Director (Admn).

In this subject, a thread-bare discussion was passed and a resolution made in the house that the authority should be given one more chance with15 days (fifteen days) time   to consider all the genuine pending transfer cases otherwise this matter will be taken-up  in appropriate forum and agitational  programme may take place  and the Head of the Department  will be held responsible in future (Resolution enclosed) .  However, a letter will be issued  from CEC to all the Branch GS/Chairman to send a list of pending transfer cases in respect of their employees (post-wise, separately ) latest by 15.07.2014 positively,  so that, a consolidated request list can be prepared and submitted to the Board immediately. 

(II).      Disciplinary action against BEC/individual employees of Div.II, Ambala --
            Com. S.S. Acharya, Assistant Secretary General  stated, during the episode of Ambala issue it was clearly established  that Shri H. K. Manocha, EE, is the only trouble maker of whole drama and  a resolution was passed in the General Body meeting of BEC, Div.-II, Ambala held on  05.11.2013 for immediate transfer of Sri H. K. Manocha, EE, out of Ambala,  which has not yet been  carried out. In this regard a detail report was submitted by him.   The matter was discussed and decided that another fresh letter will be written to Director (Admn) for immediate transfer of present  Ambala Executive Engineer otherwise CEC will be compelled to write next higher authority in next forum.  This must be given top priority.  Regarding transfer of Angrej Singh, Mech, from Jodhpur to Ambala, Secretary General assured the house that same will be done before retirement of Chairman as assurance given at the time of cancellation of transfer orders of Com. Arjun Singh, Mech & Com. Rajnesh Kumar, TOD & GS of Div.II, Ambala.    However, transfer request of Com. Angrej Singh, Mech, will be  looked-into  before retirement of Chairman  i.e. 07/2014.  Also, Secretary General requested all the leaders to strictly adhere the instruction  of CEC in future if any,  and  decided to ignore  last three sentences of 2nd para of the minutes of 2nd CEC (2013-15).

(III).    Directions/Interference of the Ministry --
            This matter was discussed in length & breadth and decided to submit a reminder  to enforce the DOP&T guidelines & approved transfer norms/policy strictly otherwise the pending staff grievance  will be sent to Ministry.

(IV).    Review of 1st CEC meeting --
            i)          Letter already written to Chairman in this regard.  No action initiated.

ii)         Now, it is decided to convene 95th OCM in the last week of July, 2014. Date of meeting will be decided by the Admn. very soon and will be intimated shortly.

iii)        In this regard, already one letter written to Chairman, under intimation to the Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Water Resources. 

iv)        Regarding clubbing of posts of LDC, UDC & Assistant, a proposal was placed by the Association to the Administration and the same was discussed in the last Office Council Meeting.  But, it was agreed by the Chairman in principle and subsequently number of objection letters from staff on this proposal has been received by the Board.  Hence, this proposal is kept in abeyance.

v & vi) Done/ Action taken.

vii)       Regarding sanction of estimated amount as submitted by the CPWD for construction of Staff Quarter, Community Hall & Guest House at  Bhubaneswar, it has been decided that this work will be  awarded to NPCC and the Board has already received administrative approval of Rs.10.00 crores  and MOU is likely to be signed within span of days.  Work will be started within a month or two.  Efforts should be made for getting sanction of rest of the amount to complete the entire project at a stretch.

(V).      Non-supply of Drilling/Store materials such as Tents, Pipes, Bits, Mud etc. --
            Secretary General stated that a letter has already been written to the Chairman, CGWB but no development seen to save the drilling wing of the Board, rather, it is  deteriorating day by day, resulting as on today more than 60 (sixty) Drilling Rigs kept  idle and target has been reduced.  Today no Tent, Mud, Hammer, Bits, Pipes, Gravels are available at drilling sites, due to administrative constraints in CHQ level.  Under this situation machine are going idle and staffs are drawing their salary and other allowances  without any assignment of work.  This has become a very dangerous sign for the Department.  Hence, house passed a resolution that “ the Association (CEC) should discuss this issue with Chairman (HOD) through meeting & written under intimation to Ministry such as  (Secretary, Director (GW) & Addl. Secretary, GOI, MOWR.  If no proper action is taken by the Head of the Department to procure the drilling materials on war footing manner otherwise all the employees of the Board will go on phased manner agitational programme for survival of the Department as well as employees” (Resolution enclosed).  This issue may be discussed in the next Office Council meeting.  In this regard, it was also decided to write all the General Secretaries of BEC to explore the data of availability of stores such as Tent, Pipe, Bit, Mud, Hammer & Gravels etc., and intimate to CEC latest by 15th July, 2014 positively through FAX /Email for taking further action. 
(VI).    As per 1st para, it was discussed and decided to take up this issue in next Office Council meeting.

(2).       REVIEW ON STRIKE ACTION HELD ON 12TH&13THFeb.2014 --
            Secretary General stated that as per the instruction of Confederation of CG Employees, a letter was issued to all the BECs to participate in two days strike i.e. 12th & 13th, Feb.2014 based on 15 charter of demands.  It is noticed that almost all the BECs participated in full strength and made it success.  He also informed that all the General Secretary of Brach Executive Committee to keep the employee readiness incase if the procurement of drilling materials get delayed and the work is hampered and the employees kept idle further. 


            Already discussed at point no.(5) of review of 2nd.CEC meeting.

            Secretary General read-out the draft memorandum prepared for 7thCPC  by the committee headed by Com. N. Somaiah, (Ex-SG & Leader Departmental Council, (JCM ) Staff Side) and it was assured by him that necessary addition & deletion will be made in the memorandum and final memorandum will be submitted to the Confederation of CG Employees, New Delhi within the stipulated time and the same will be made available through AICGWBEA Web site.

            In this regard, Secretary General informed that a letter has been written to the Chairman, CGWB for delegation of powers to Director (Admn) before his promotion to Regional Director against which no action has been seen.  But, at this stage after promotion automatically the Director (Admn) should exercise his powers & position as laid down under duties & responsibility of Director (Admn).  But, it is observed that Director (Admn) always expresses his limitations and stating “no powers vested with him” resulting vacant posts are not filled-up, DPC not convening in time, Recruitment Rules are not finalized  since long, Cadre review not done, lot of transfer cases are pending and low paid employees are suffering. Therefore, it is decided to take up this issue in Chairman’s level as well as Ministry level soon.  Chairman should be apprised about the present adamant & defunctness of administration and should demand for a senior most capable Regional Director in this Chair. 

            Already discussed at Page (2) point No.(1) of review meeting of 2nd CEC.

            Since, the tenure of Departmental Council has already been expired and a letter in this regard, has also been received from Ministry, the Secretary General apprised the house and stated to ignore the composition of Departmental Council team in CGWB as decision taken in 1st CEC meeting held at Ahmedabad. He also proposed in the house to nominate all the members from staff side of CGWB in the Council in fresh.  Accordingly, a resolution has been passed in the meeting and following members have been included in the Council-

Sri R. N. Choudhary, President, CEC                 --          Member
Sri K. S. Madhusudhan, Secretary General, CEC --          Member
Sri Viswajeet Kumar, UDC, MER, Patna           --          Member
Sri Sunil Kumar, TOD, Div.-VIII, Jammu             --          Member
Sri Bahadur Chand, Draftsman Gd.-I, WR, Jaipur --          Member



(a)        Com.A.Balasundaram, Astt. Secretary General stated that vetting of interest on HBA are   lying pending since December 2013 with PAO office and stressed that the mater should be taken on priority with PAO for immediate completion of all the pending cases.
(b)        Com. R. K. Pandey, Vice-president insisted that Clarification is needed on latest GPF sanction order   issued vide letter No.105-08/Misc. Corr/2009-L.A.-3418 dated 29.04.2014 by CHQ.
©         Revised order should be issued in connection with Torch cell entitlement to the staff
(d)       Bhujal Shram Shakti magazine should be published in Bi-langual i.e. English & Hindi.
(e)        Appointment of Sri S.C. Panda on compassionate ground of Raipur division should be persuaded.
(f)        Action should be taken regarding withdrawal of experience certificate of Welding works from TOD/TOM/TOS/Blacksmith as asked by CHQ at the time of DPC.
(g)        Implementation of MACP should be on promotional hierarchy basis to all Group B(Non gestated) & Group C staff. It was decided to file a court case at Jodhpur CAT from the Association side.
(h)        Clarification needs regarding enhancement of washing allowance after increase of DA of another 50%.
(i)         All the pending DPCs should be convened with the existing R/Rules till the new R/Rules are amended. 
(j)         Efforts should be made to approve the new R/Rules from the CHQ & Ministry level.
(k)        CEC should take up the case of Sri Golekh Kandi, TOD, Div.X, BBSR with the Director (Admn) to withdraw the pay fixation order made vide Office Order No.490 of 2013 against letter No.Div.X/3-432/1994/Estt-1462, dated.21.11.2013 and restore back the previous fixation made vide Office Order No.404 of 2008 as per letter No.Div.X/6th.CPC/2008/Estt-1365, dated 26.10.2008.
(l)         Matter should be taken up with the Director (Admn) regarding immediate transfer of Sri K. K. Pahi, AEE and HOO out of Bhubaneswar as a resolution passed unanimously in the General Body Meeting of BEC, Div.-X, Bhubaneswar  vide No. BEC/Div.X/2013-14-66, dated 5.6.2014, Com. Mathew T. Abharam, Office Superintendent to Trivendrum  and Com. Kulamani Rout, DCM out of Division-X, BBSR otherwise all the staff members of BEC, Div-X will go on agitational programme after one month with the approval with CEC, Faridabad.
(m)       DOP&T may be contacted to explore the possibility for extension of CEC tenure from 2 yrs to 3 yrs. & Biennial  Conference  to be held in 3 yrs instead of 2 years so that expenditure  may be curtailed. (Action: Com. Shashi Ranjan,)
(n)        Ministry should be approached for revival of sanction of LDC/UDCs which has gone to deemed abolished.  
(o)        Next CEC meeting will be conducted after three months, in this regard necessary communication will be issued to all.
            The president quoted that in case of call for the oral evidence from the 7th CPC to AICGWBEA, he has deputed Com. K. S. Madhusudhan, Secretary General, Com. A. Balasundaram, Asst. Secretary General and Com. R. K. Pandey, Vice President to represent on behalf of AICGWBEA to apprise and high light our demands if permitted more than three members it can be selected by the Secretary General from other discipline accordingly.
Finally, the meeting concluded with vote of thanks to the Chair.
                                                (K. S. MADHUSUDHAN)
                                              SECRETARY GENERAL
All CEC Office Bearers / Members of Office Council (JCM) & Departmental Council (JCM), CGWB, AICGWBEA.
All the General Secretary, AICGWBEA, BEC

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